Why Pokemon Go Is a Great Game

We saw a lot of hype about Pokemon Go, a game that is now considered one of the biggest mobile apps of the year. Pokemon Go is a location-based game that uses your smartphone’s camera to overlay a virtual reality world on top of your actual surroundings. It was the first game to break through the walls of the mobile gaming industry, and it has also been credited with helping local businesses flourish due to foot traffic.

The game was developed by California-based software company Niantic Inc., and it is free to download. The game boasts a few technical tricks of the trade, such as its ability to use a GPS signal to map your location. It also includes an optional augmented reality feature, which puts you in the shoes of a Pokemon trainer.

There’s a lot to like about Pokemon Go, but there’s also a lot to dislike. Some users have complained about the game’s reliance on cell signal, which causes it to be slow and clunky. Other users have reported that their phone’s battery life is negatively impacted. Some people have even sold their houses for cash in Florida to get away from the massive amounts of players roaming the streets! Despite these concerns, Pokemon Go remains one of the top mobile apps of the year.

Pokemon Go is an entertaining game that encourages players to get out of the house, exercise, and play with friends. It’s also a fun way to get your kids moving. Unlike most mobile games, Pokemon Go encourages users to be active and see the world around them in a whole new light.

While Pokemon Go isn’t the first game to use augmented reality, it’s the first game to make use of the latest technology. One of the most exciting things about Pokemon Go is that it allows users to discover Pokemon in locations they might not otherwise have visited. In fact, 44 percent of people who visited historical landmarks in the United States have credited the game with their visit.

While some critics argue that Pokemon Go hasn’t been a game changer, it certainly has been the newest thing to hit the mobile landscape. The game’s most recent updates, including an increase in the level cap, have further improved the experience. It also has been credited with helping to promote civic engagement. One study suggests that users who play the game spend a total of 50 minutes more exercising each week than those who don’t.

One of the coolest aspects of Pokemon Go is the fact that it uses your smartphone’s camera to overlay augmented reality on top of your real world surroundings. This is a fairly new technology, and it isn’t a surprise that the company behind the game is using it to the fullest.

The Pokemon company has a history of creating some of the most entertaining games in the past, from the Game Boy to the Game Cube. Pokemon Go was released in September, and has been downloaded more than 500 million times worldwide by the end of 2016. The game is expected to gross more than $6 billion by 2020.